Mechanical production

Our manufacturing potentialities,
See for yourself!


Carousel: max. diameter 1620mm, length 200mm / diameter 1200mm max. length 800mm,
Centre lathe max. diameter 1250mm (diameter above lathe-bed 940mm)
max. length 6000mm,
4 CNC centre lathes Masturn 700 x 4500,
22x centre lathe (2 NC)


Planing: table 1000 × 2500mm,
Milling: table 500 × 1500mm, (9 milling cutters - vertical + horizontal),
5-axis machining on a portal centre 2000 x 3000mm,
2 horizontal boring machines,
2 horizontal shapers,
Drilling: 10x drilling machines

Metalworking and assembly work

completion of parts and assemblies with packaging according to customer specifications,
surface treatment of our products (hardening, refinement, chrome plating, rubberising, ceramic spray, zinc plating, nitriding, NiCr, etc.)

Cylindrical grinding and flat grinding

max. length 4000mm,
max. diameter 850mm,
4x grinders TOS Čelákovice,
2 flat grinders

Hole grinding

max. diameter 280mm,
max. length 500mm,
2 hole grinders TOS Čelákovice

Sheet shearing

to the thickness 15mm,
width 3000mm,
2 machine shears

Sheet roll bending

to the thickness of 16mm,
width 2000mm


manual welding of steels, stainless steels and cast iron of various thicknesses,
welding machines and 2 automatic machines for rotary welding

Renovation of parts

rotary welding,
production of new parts with subsequent replacement and machining,
thread repairing,
sandblasting and painting


to the thickness of 40mm by plasma,
oxyacetylene to 120mm,
laser to 25mm,
Cutting: 5x machine saws (2x with CNC feeder)

Steel structure production

sheet shearing and roll bending,
weldment production with subsequent machining, sandblasting and wet painting

Dynamic balancing

max. weight 3000kg, length 5000mm,
diameter 1200mm,
2 Schenck balancers,
balancing including a balance report

See for yourselves!
Look at our products

Rotary parts

We have long years of experience in roller production for paper and cellulose making machines and paper and cardboard processing machines. We make rollers, pins, flanges and shafts of all dimensions (with milling grooves according to our production facilities).  Our products find application in almost all industrial sectors. We also renovate the shafts.  We are able to dynamically balance all rotary parts and issue a report.

Water turbine shaft
Tool drum
Shaft grinding
Transport conveyors
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Welded construction
Welding of the product
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Welded parts and units

We perform complete welding operations across various industries. We produce assembly lines, pedestals under assembly robots (not only automotive), machine shovels, buckets, quick-release systems, accessories for agricultural machines, various constructions of large dimensions such as grease separators from waste for seagoing ships or water separators from gas pipelines, but also flanges for cylinders or lathed parts.

Individual – prototype production

We manufacture all metalwork production according to drawing documentation. The most frequent products include head gates for turbine raceways, turbine draft tubes, turbine pipes, the actual turbines, rotors, blades, quarry crushers, feather dryers, conveyor chains, chandelier components, but also industrial artwork. We produce tanks for paper production or recycling, packing line frames, boiler room chimneys and many other products.

Water turbine front
Quick-release jigs
Quick-release jigs
Water turbine
Welded construction
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